Supporting environmental improvement

Supporting environmental improvement
In collaboration with the Hawkes Bay Regional Council and Ministry of Primary Industries, define consenting and compliance monitoring templates consistent with the new National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF). This will relate environmental risk in harvesting and engineering to down-stream features/site characteristics. The NES-PF will mandate consenting in Hawkes Bay from 1 May 2018 (presently most forestry operations are ‘permitted’). The challenge here is to ensure these changes support best practice without unduly compromising business fundamentals.
Provide a forum for discussion, including arranging field days, to share positive experience in environmental management and to encourage better performance where required. Support research and new technology including trial applications of unmanned aerial vehicles to assist in improving management decisions. Be a signatory of the HB Biodiversity strategy and represent forest industry in other change processes when permitted, including the TANK process which is refining the rules for the Heretaunga aquifer.
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